About CenterPoint

Who We Are

The principals of CenterPoint have extensive experience representing both sellers and buyers, and have an in-depth understanding of the complex issues facing each side in a transaction. We anticipate obstacles and respond proactively before small problems escalate into potential deal killers. Having represented buyers and sellers in transactions ranging from under $5 million to over $120 million, we understand what each side needs to make the deal happen.

Our principles are actively involved in the financial community and have a network of resources which routinely benefit our clients; from attorneys to accountants, lenders to private equity groups, insurance companies to estate planners . . . we are in contact with professionals who can help you extract the maximum value from your most important asset.

Scott Berejikian

Scott Berejikian

Chris Bandouveris

Chris Bandouveris

Click photo for full bio.

So, where can the owner of a mid-sized company turn for help? The answer is CenterPoint.